Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention

Our chronic disease, injury prevention and health promotion programs promote social, environmental, policy and systems improvements that support healthier lifestyles in all the places Greene County residents live, work, and play. We use evidenced based interventions to teach people how to form healthy habits and avoid risks and injury. Our programs include nutrition education and physical activity promotion, tobacco control and cessation and prevention of traffic fatalities and opiate overdose deaths.

We work in collaboration with community members and stakeholders on coalitions that bring long lasting improvements and positive change to the communities we serve. Good health provides the foundation for a high quality of life for our children, families and neighbors. When we focus on prevention, we help everyone achieve the highest possible state of well-being and create opportunities for social and economic growth.

To learn more about health promotion and the chronic disease and injury prevention programs at Greene County Public Health, please call 937-374-5646 or email: